Mt. San Antonio College

Table of Contents


  1. Directory

    1. Offices: Academic Divisions

      1. SCE: Short-Term Vocational | 40-109

        School of Continuing Education Logo

        School of Continuing Education
        Short-Term Vocational (STV) 

        Bldg. 40 Rm. 109

        (909) 2744070 | 

        Prepare for a Career
        or Upgrade Your Skills

        Get on the fast track to a career or get the skills you need to advance in your current one with short-term vocational courses. Mt. SAC's School of Continuing Education offers more than 55 certificates in a variety of tuition-free, noncredit courses.

        • Business
        • Floral Design
        • Health Careers
        • Trades & Electronics

        Short-Term Vocational

        School of
        Continuing Education